Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Update 3/22

It's been a pretty game-filled weekend for me.  For starters, we hosted our Heavy Rain Night last friday at 1030 pm and got through the game at 830 the next morning.  Each of the four main characters were controlled by one of the guys and were as followed:

Mikey - Ethan Mars
Roski - Norman Jayden
Diover - Scott Shelby
Virgil - Madison Paige

We also decided (another testament to our nerdom) that we would come in costume.  Since the four main characters were taken, I was stuck with dressing up as Detective Blake.  You can catch all the pictures on my facebook if you'd like and see how dumb we all looked.  Best costume of the night hands down belonged to Diover.  See for yourself:


Not bad huh?

Another great surprise was one of the BEST CAKES I'VE EVER SEEN.  For fans of my writing, you all know one of my favorite XBLA titles last year was Super Meat Boy.  Feast your eyes on this greatness:

Is that not one of the coolest ice cream cakes you've ever seen?  This was given to me by Michelley (made the cake and her boss made the icing) and has got to be one of the most perfect desserts I've ever had.  Not only was the cake chocolate, but the ice cream was a cool mix of banana and cookies and cream.  Seriously, I fell in love. 

Finally, last week I had received a message from a guy named Eric.  He had told me that he was brought to my blog from his friend Alex and I couldn't figure out who Alex was!  Upon further digging, I found out that my friend Austin was a mutual friend with Alex and suggested for him to have a look.  Flash forward about a week and I'm now writing for the newly made website Vivid Gamer.  You should check them (I guess us now?) out because not only do they have lots of good features, but there's also tons of giveaways!  Hmm..I wonder if I'm eligible for the Maw plush or the LBP2 giveaway...

Check em out at: vividgamer.com

I'm still working on beating Yakuza 4 and at a few hours in, I'm kind of torn on my opinion.  On the one hand, I enjoy the story and feel of the game.  On the other hand, this game takes an eternity to truly get rolling!  I can say without a doubt that I've spent more time watching cutscenes then I've actually spent playing the game!  I'll continue pushing through it but I don't know how far I'll get because Fight Night Champion is still calling me and WWE All-Stars is just around the corner.

Even though I'll be writing for Vivid Gamer now, this doesn't mean that I'm going to stop writing on my blog.  The editors there enjoy some of my work and like my reviews, but I still want to play with some ideas on my blog.  If it's good enough quality, then I'll most likely attempt to have it posted there.  Please continue to give me feedback here and thanks for reading!

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