Thursday, April 7, 2011

Update 4/7

I literally have a draft near finished of a review for Insidious but I'm not really satisfied with it.  I tend to do that with some of my work and rather then publish a piece I don't like, I leave it there to just sit.  I wanted to continue writing a chapter 3 of my Zelda retrospective but things are getting pretty hectic at work leaving me less time to write.

I just ordered a GameBoy Micro and it's supposed to come in sometime between tomorrow and next Wednesday.  I've been meaning to get one since Michelley picked one up so now is better then later!  Since then I've been on a GameBoy Advance kick, buying up games from every Gamestop I can.  For those that don't know, since Sunday Gamestop is no longer buying used GBA titles.  I initially didn't want many to know because it may hurt more then help my own collection, but I figured that I love you guys enough to let you know.  Also, on the 17th (next sunday) there is going to be a sale starting 5pm for Gamestop Plus members with a buy 2 get 2 free on all PS2, Gamecube, and GBA games.  I think it's a liquidation deal so you may want to get them while you can.  I've already picked up copies of A Link to the Past, Astro Boy, Final Fantasy IV, Mega Man Zero, Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland, Super Mario Bros 3 (20$ yikes!), and other great games and am continuing to look for more.  With that in mind, if you own some games you'd like to get rid of, let me know please and I'll gladly take them off your hands (even buy them if you want.) 

I just got added to the staff page of Vivid Gamer!  Check it out here.  Also, if you haven't already, go and "like" them on Facebook and follow them @VividGamer on twitter.  Lots of great updates, contests, freebies, and with E3 coming up expect even more cool stuff to win.  They're all really great people and have helped ease me in to the writing system so check out the site when you get a chance.

I apologize for the lack of content recently because I've been primarily writing for the site but know that I will continue to update as often as I can and write some stuff for my blog.  Thanks for reading and leave me a comment when you can.