Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The first names that come up when you see these CG movies being released are Dreamworks and Pixar.  I've always felt that with Dreamworks, you get more quantity as opposed to Pixar's quality.  That's not to say that Dreamworks hasn't released great films, but for every Shrek or Kung Fu Panda, we're given a Bee Movie or Shark Tale.  Dreamworks has recently been churning out some hits (How To Train Your Dragon, Madagascar 2, Monsters Vs Aliens) so expectations were high for their newest film Megamind.  Throw in the voicework of Will Ferrell and you're guaranteed a hit.  Right?

The movie casts Will Ferrell as Megamind, an evil alien with incredible intellect.  Brad Pitt voices the Superman-esque hero of Metro City cleverly named Metro Man!  Since birth Megamind and Metro Man have been rivals with the cocky Metro Man displaying his super powers to everyones approval.  Megamind unfortunately lacks these powers and seems to be bad at his attempts to one-up Metro Man.  As his efforts get shot down time after time, Megamind decides that since he's good at being bad, he may as well excel at it and become the best at it as he can.  With the aid of his sidekick Minion, (David Cross) Megamind is constantly attempting to take over Metro City (or Metrosity).  Most of his plans involve kidnapping the journalist Roxanne Ritchi (Tina Fey) as her dumbfounded cameraman Hal (Jonah Hill) stands around helplessly.  Sadly, Megamind has apparently become predictable in his crimes and unfortunately, this movie follows suit.  Many plot "twists" are reminiscent of past comedies and some of the jokes fall short of their marks.  The chemistry between Megamind and Minion is enjoyable however, as is the banter between Megamind and Roxanne.  I found myself laughing many times at just hearing the conversations and enjoying the detail in facial animations that Dreamworks has done.  Speaking of detail, Dreamworks deserves a pat on the back for 3D effects which were subtle, but strong enough to be evident.  The effects didn't wow me as much as Pixar's Up did, but they were enjoyable.

With a movie like Megamind, you don't really wanna give away much of the plot so unfortunately I'm not gonna delve deeper into the story.  I will, however, inform you that the story is an enjoyable one.  As predictable as some parts of the movie were, it didn't change a lot of the clever bits the movie threw at us.  I may just be biased towards Will Ferrell, but I enjoyed this film.  Although I enjoyed quite a few of Dreamworks films, I have to consider myself a Pixar fan.  My biggest problem with Dreamworks, is that their movies have no staying power with me.  Many key moments, funny bits, and great scenes don't stick with me past the following hour after I've seen Dreamworks films.  Let's try it shall we?  What's the plot of Shrek 2?  Something about a couple ogres on a honeymoon or something and some jerk wants to break them up.  They also got Antonio Banderas as a cat.  Honestly, if you remembered most of that movie, kudos to you.  I had to Wiki it because I couldn't tell one Shrek apart from the others.  Toy Story 2, on the other hand, has Woody being kidnapped for being a collectors item and shows the gang attempt to save him.  Along the way they stop by a toy store where Zurg reveals he's Buzz' father, Woody tries to save his new pals Jesse and Bullseye and spoiler removed.  Sorry to get sidetracked, but with Megamind, the same can be said as with other Dreamworks films.  I enjoyed it when I was watching it, but not even 24 hours later, I can't really remember key lines or even anything that sticks out to me in the long run.


Not as funny as expected; many jokes fall flat
Some parts are predictable
3D effects may not do enough to warrant the extra $

Very Nice!

Enjoyable characters and story
Effects are nice
Will Ferrell is great
When the movie hits its marks, you'll definitely laugh
Has something for the whole family

Final Grade: B-
While not the funniest film I've seen in awhile, the movie was enjoyable.  I wouldn't recommend more then one showing though and the 3D, while great, is passable especially considering the jump in ticket price.  

*New Segment of my reviews being introduced is..

Would Your Girlfriend Like It?
(From April)

I thought the movie was cute!  I really liked the part where SPOILER REMOVED and at the end when SPOILER REMOVED!  Wait, I can't say that?  Hmph I suck at writing reviews.  The ending was cute though.  Honestly, I'd wait until it came out on blu-ray.  I just think it'd be more of a rental then something to go watch at a movie theatre. 

Verdict: Rental

1 comment:

  1. I could tell it was a rental from the commercials. But my little sister always seems to laugh at the commercials whenever it shows the part where he says, "O-LO" instead of "Hello?" Lol.
    And I knew for sure that I might not like it because my nephew (2yrs.) went to go see it in 3D and he fell asleep. Not to mention he stayed cracking up in Jackass 3D, so it really takes a lot to get his attention.
