As terrible (or great depending on your perspective) that sounds, the games execution is beyond broken. The graphics seem more at home on a Xbox or PS2 and the camera is horrible (as seen here.) The controls are pretty bad often resulting in Naughty Bear just yelling (seen in video) instead of going for his ultra scares. What irritated me the most, however, was having to find specific items to destroy (presents, cameras, etc). Paired with the terrible camera, you'll definitely be spending more time then needed on tracing these "collectibles." Most of the death animations get old and while there is a decent collection of weapons here, they either bludgeon or shoot enemies and are near identical in execution. It'd be easy to count this game out, but for some odd reason, I found myself enjoying the experience. This is probably due to the arcadey feel of the title, pushing you to get a higher score, unlock new costumes, and unlock new challenges. Some challenges require you to drive all the bears insane, while others force you to accomplish goals without being seen. The costumes that you unlock too aren't just for asthetics either and each have their own strengths and weaknesses. The zombie bear is slow and limps around, but has high health and incredible strength. The ninja bear (my personal favorite) is ridiculously fast and has silent footsteps, but has very low health. These costumes are then sometimes used for "ironic" achievements such as killing 4 cop bears in a zombie costume. If you have a chance, check out the achievements list. Some of them are pretty creative and funny in their references (resident evil!)
Sub-Par Graphics
Gameplay tedious
Terrible Camera
Impossibly bad AI
Tacked on Multiplayer
Very Nice!
Surprisingly Addictive
Lots of Unlockables
Great Concept
Lots of Costumes
I wanted to give this game a decent score I truly did, but I couldn't excuse it's glaring faults. I loved the concept and there are tons of ideas here that, if executed properly, could warrant a purchase. As an Xbox Live Arcade title I'd say this game is worth a look, but as a full fledged store release, this game should definitely be avoided. While not nearly as bad as some reviewers are trying to get you to believe (GamesRadar called it one of the worst games of 2010) it still is pretty bad and worth (at most) $20 and that's truly truly pushing it.
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