Thursday, July 29, 2010

Limbo (XBLA)

Limbo was the first title released in Xbox' 3rd annual Summer of Arcade and has already made a name for itself.  A finalist in the Independent Game Festival, Limbo is being regarded as this year's Braid.  Limbo hit the marketplace last week and has gotten incredible praise from all over the gaming community.  Is Limbo worthy of such high marks, or have gamers just allowed themselves to be blinded by it's beautiful style?

I immediately purchased Limbo after seeing comparisons to Braid.  Braid is an amazing arcade title and I truly recommend it to every and all gamers.  One thing I will try not to do, is directly compare Braid and Limbo because in all honesty, Braid is a better game.  That's not to say that I think Limbo is bad, in actuality I enjoyed my time with Limbo.  However, comparisons are bound to be made due to the fact that both Braid and Limbo are puzzle platformers with strange and unique art styles.  Limbo's style is unique and has quite possibly the most beautiful black and white visuals I've ever seen.  The amount of detail in each silhouette is amazing and is easily one of the best arcade titles visually.  The controls hold up pretty well too although you only use two buttons (one to jump and the other to engage) and an analog stick to move.  For fans of the Wii's A Boy and His Blob this game may seem pretty similar.  Limbo's boy kind of has the same shape and even controls similarly.  Learn the controls quick though because Limbo will begin to challenge your reflexes and platforming skills in no time.  Honestly it feels like everything is out to kill you.  This was kind of weird for me because Limbo has no story so I had no idea why everything was pretty much evil.  Apparently the developers themselves stated there is no definite meaning, but some gamers have their own opinions. 

Limbo shines not only in visuals and atmosphere, but also in it's puzzles.  Limbo is very creative in this sense and not too frustratingly hard like other platformers (sorry..referring to Braid again.)  This is very welcome because along with the puzzles, our hero must contend with all sorts of creatures trying to maim, shoot, and crush him.  The game is pretty gruesome in this regard with sound effects to match it's beheadings, amputations, and impalements.  I was pretty shocked at how gruesome some of the death animations were along with being surprised at some of the more surprising moments.  The violence isn't too dark though and just gives gamers more incentives to play better.  One of the major gripes I have with this game though is it's length.  Clocking in at under a couple hours (being very generous here) Limbo is definitely not a long experience.  Without speed runs and timers I don't see too many reasons for replay value neither. 


Short Length
Not much replay value
Some obstacles hard to see

Very Nice!

Great Gaming Experience
Clever Puzzles
Beautiful Visuals
Rich Atmosphere
Perfectly Underplayed Soundtrack

Limbo is a great gaming experience and I truly recommend people to try it out.  At $15 dollars though it may not be a lenghty enough title for some.  Not quite as good as Braid, but it's not trying to be.  Limbo is fun, sometimes scary, creative, stunning, and a well put together arcade title. 

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