Monday, January 31, 2011

Dead Space (iOS)

Developed by Iron Monkey Studios (released 1/25/11)
Price: $7

Before I start this review let me first clear up that Dead Space for iOS is NOT a port of the console version.  Dead Space is actually an independent story with a different protagonist and is sort of an interquel. 

If you read my Dead Space 2 review then you already know what you're getting into with the iPhone/iPad version.  If the screenshot doesn't wow you then check out the gameplay for yourself.  Dead Space is truly one of the best looking titles on the iPhone (along with Infinity Blade and Chaos Rings) but graphics mean nothing if gameplay doesn't deliver right? 

Dead Space is going to shock you with how natural the controls feel.  The left side of the screen controls movement while the right side is aiming.  Unfortunately there is no inversion for aiming but I'm sure EA will release an update.  I play inverted and had no problems adjusting to the game so you shouldn't have a problem too.  Along with amazing controls, you're given a surprising amount of content from it's console counterparts.  Upgradeable weapons and suits?  Check.  Multiple tools for destruction?  5 including 2 new ones.  Scares and a great final battle?  Check and check.  The last point may come as a surprise because I didn't think there'd be many scares in the iPhone version.  I'm happy to say that while not nearly as good as it's console brothers, it does deliver and have even heard of some gamers too scared to continue playing.

Dead Space for iPhone clocked in at about 3 hours for me to complete the first time but can be beaten in under 2.  While not a long game, there are definite replay values here with the developers providing phone backgrounds to unlock along with a bevy of achievements.  You can even link your EA account to the iPhone to unlock a power node and a special secret in Dead Space 2.  The developers took a lot of time to create a decent product and there's even some decent voice work done.  The story itself is okay but what do you really expect from the iPhone?  If you're a fan of 3rd Person Shooters or Survival Horror, do yourself a favor and buy Dead Space on iOS. 

Final Grade: B+

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