For those out there who know nothing about Bayonetta, let me tell you, this For fans of Devil May Cry I highly recommend this game. In fact, for fans of pure action gaming, I highly recommend this game. Hell, for fans of good games, this one is one to check out.
You play as Bayonetta, a witch who wants to know about her past. Apparently she was found at the bottom of an ocean, some 20 years ago, yet doesn't know anything about how or why she was there in the first place. You're accompanied by Enzo, a rotund street wise man, and Rodin, your merchant of sorts. I forgot to mention, that Rodin is apparently the Devil. Still with me? Good..You're looking for this artifact known as the "Right Eye" and along the way you fight twisted looking angels, an upside down face with wings and two dragons connected to him, a sphinx-like aircraft that shoots missiles, and other non-sensical beings. What do I fight them with James? Why, your four guns of course! Yes I said four..You have one in each hand and a pair on your feet. But guns alone aren't enough to take out these super-powered enemies, so thank God (or I guess the Devil) that you're equipped with the power to summon your own super beings. The only catch: they're created by your hair. In fact, you're not even wearing clothes. Your clothes, are made from your hair. I said the game was fun..never said it had to make sense did I?
Now if you can get past the silly premise and over the awkwardness of the game, you truly will find one of the best action platformers in recent history. The game has a Japanese developed feel to it (not at all trying to be racist, but if you play games, you know there's a difference in Western and Japanese developed games.) Above all, you can see that this game was a labor of love and that the developers put a lot of time and effort into their product. The countless references , the memorable protagonist, and the EPIC boss battles show just how much care was given to this game. As I played through, I enjoyed practically every moment of this game. The boss battles are some of the best I've played in any action game and if you don't believe me, go youtube a boss fight. Go ahead..I'll wait........done? Trust me when I say that its a lot of fun.
SUMMARY: You know what? I can't really express how good of a game this is. If you don't like weird Japanese games, can't get over the weird premise (or the constant oogling of Bayonetta the game forces you to do), or just don't seem to like action titles, then don't bother. But if you like great action games, are a fan of Devil May Cry or other action titles, then check this game out.
Pathetic ~ Very very very weird. Some bosses speeches are long winded. Game may be too hard for some. Awkwardness of sexual portrayal of Bayonetta. May be too short of a game for some.

Final Score: A
This game is amazing. I highly recommend you check this game out.
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