Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Vanquish (Xbox 360/PS3)

Developed by Platinum Games (10/19)

Platinum Games released (arguably) one of the best action games of all time last year with Bayonetta and followed up with another crazy title in Vanquish.  In development since 2007, Vanquish was directed by Shinji Mikami and given Mikami's track record we were expecting an amazing experience (Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry) or another big letdown (God Hand, P.N. 03). 

Although Vanquish was developed by the same makers of Bayonetta, the gameplay is different trading crazy hand to hand action for third person bulletfests.  Try and imagine Gears of War, mixed with Lost Planet 2's bosses, and then shooting the whole thing with 10 kilos of adrenaline!  To say it's over the top would be an understatement because Vanquish is one of the most ridiculous experiences of the year.

 At the games core is a duck and cover system not unlike Gears of War.  Your character (Sam) has a choice of 8 different weapons and 2 grenade types which are all upgradeable.  Sam can dodge quickly and his suit utilizes an Augmented Reality (AR) mode which is essentially bullet-time.  Be wary of using AR mode too much because it overheats Sam's suit rendering him more vulnerable to enemy fire.  Fret not though unless you're playing on Hard mode or (Heaven Help You) God Hard mode where the enemies get ridiculously accurate.  I beat the game on Hard and you truly have to take advantage of every bit of cover because there are times where the game swarms you with danger.  There were many times where I yelled out because my suit overheated and I was on the verge of visiting the death screen again (which you'll most likely see often too on Hard and above).  Throughout the frustration though I never stopped having fun while my character fought towering bosses and robots in ever changing environments.  One section that sticks out for me was a fight along two monorails where one of them literally is suspended above yours and you're forced to change perspectives to continue firing upon the enemy. 

If the game sounds too crazy and downright silly, that's because it doesn't take itself seriously.  There are tons of in-jokes and the developers poke fun at many staples of the space shooter.  Gruff sounding main character that smokes? Check.  Grizzled veteran who believes in no nonsense toughness?  Check.  Hottie behind the scenes that buzzes in your ear?  Check.  Enemies that are either Nazi's, Russians, Robots, or Aliens?  Check and check!  The plot sees San Francisco being taken out by the Russians in a terrorist takeover.  They then threaten to take out New York next unless Madam President of the US unconditionally surrenders.  Is there a plot twist that involves some stupid government conspiracy?  What do you think?  Aside from the developers having fun with the ridiculous premise and characters, the enemies are just as fun sometimes changing from an axe wielding megabot into a cheetah like scorpion. 

Bosses are fun, the characters are hilarious, the shootouts are intense, and the premise is so bad it's good but I bet you're wondering what's the downside?  Sadly, many feel that the game is too short and while I wanted to disagree, the truth is that for the asking price ($60) you're not given enough meat.  I played on Hard and beat the game in a little over 6 hours and that included constantly dying and taking my time on certain segments.  There are 5 acts each consisting of roughly 6-9 chapters but they're over quickly and the game actually encourages beating them as fast as you can.  I'm replaying under Casual and have already beaten a chapter and a half in about an hour!  True there are some extra challenges nad collectibles to find, but does that justify paying 10$ per hour of gameplay? 


Story takes roughly 4-6 hours to complete
Premise and characters may be too hokey for some
Some enemies are ridiculously cheap

Very Nice!

The game is a blast to play
The cover system is done very well and the game looks gorgeous during AR mode
The story doesn't take itself too seriously providing laughs for the right audience
You won't find anything else in 2010 that comes close to being the adrenaline shot this title is

While I wanted to give this game a higher grade I honestly believe it deserves nothing greater then a B-.  Some can argue it deserves lower given the asking price but just because a game is short, doesn't mean it has to be bad.  I enjoyed my brief time with Vanquish and definitely recommend you pick it up as a rental or purchase it when the price drops. 

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