Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mass Effect 2 Review (Xbox 360)

Before I begin I'd just like to let everyone know that I never played Mass Effect 1.  While I have heard that its a great game, it just never seemed to get my attention.  The second one came out and I found it for a price that I couldn't pass up so, I ended up buying it.  I planned to beat the original one first and then immediately jump into the second adventure, but I never got around to playing the first one.  If you've played the first game, chances are you've bought the second one and have thoroughly enjoyed the many hours spent going through this sci-fi outing.  This review isn't really geared to those who enjoyed the first game, but more towards those who've never touched Mass Effect 1.

You play Commander Shepard as you try to assemble a team strong enough to take out a hostile alien race (pretty standard sci-fi material).  That's pretty much where the story stays the same for every player.  The reason being is that everyone who plays this game, can have different outcomes for their decisions.  I played through the game being a paragon (good guy) but I can already see how different things may have been had I chose to be a renegade (bad guy).  You're given freedom to tackle quests at your own rate and to build relationships with your crew members.  Help a squad mate deal with her past issues?  Or choose to explore unknown planets in search of adventure?  The choices are entirely up to the player and the game unfolds around your decisions. 

The gameplay is a mix of some of the best pieces of other great games.  We have the run and gun cover system of Gears of War 2, story decisions of games like Fallout 3, and powers from games like Prototype or Infamous.  You're given free reign to mold the gameplay to accomodate your tastes.  Choose heavy firearms over your biotic powers if thats your preference, or have a strong mix of the two (my decision).  From what I've heard about Mass Effect 1, there were some parts of the game that weren't too enjoyable (I'm looking at the elevators and land rover).  While Mass Effect 2 seemed to address the problems of the first, there still are some minor issues I have with this game.  I don't really enjoy the tedious task of having to mine for resources to better equip my squad and myself, nor do I enjoy the sometimes dimwitted teammates (not bad played on normal, but sometimes awful on insane difficulty).  This didn't hamper my game overall though and if anything, I'm nitpicking. 

The story seems to be one of the biggest reasons that the Mass Effect franchise is popular and to be honest the story is epic.  Now try to understand that I've never played the first game and have no knowledge of the story of the first.  I was lost in the beginning, but after an hour or two I figured out what was going on, and realized that you didn't really need to play the first to enjoy this game.  The story truly is great and a lot of it has to do with the amazing voiceover work.  The actors do a great job giving life to the characters and overall in the auditory department, this game excels.  Visually too this game is stunning although the facial animation sometimes looks a little off.  Of course its easy to say that compared to Heavy Rain's almost lifelike facial animation but whereas that games characters looked like they were talking, a lot of their voices emotions, left much to be desired.  Mass Effect 2's actors truly helped give the game life and could even have you feeling true care about these in game characters, further testament to the games amazing story.



Mining is a CHORE
Takes a little while to get into the story
A.I. at times can be truly dumb
Wait for the 3rd game in the trilogy is going to be EXCRUCIATING

Very Nice!

Story is one of the best in years
Shooting, biotic powers, and the ability to control squad members is fine tuned
Very immersive
Visually stunning and amazing voice acting

Mass Effect 2 is one of the best games I've played in recent memory.  Great characters, beautiful worlds, truly fun gameplay mixed and one of the best storylines helps shoot this title to an early contender for best game of 2010.  While it may not win, this game is my game of the year.  Considering that I work full-time, have church responsibilities, time needed for family and my gf, and I STILL put in 35 hours of my time shows that this game is amazing. 

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